An Introduction to
The Science and Art of Heraldry


We UnitedStatesians usually think of Coats of Arms as something for other people...

but look more closely...

With full color pages accessible to readers of any age, this how & why quick-start guide explains knighthood and nobility, what coats of arms mean, how to create your own, and how to assemble those of your ancestors.

Heraldry is the art and profession of creating designs within shield-shaped outlines meant to identify important individuals and their descendants, as well as organizations (towns, schools, corporations) and nations. These designs often come surrounded by additional symbols such as helms, crowns or crests.

Although few of us bear actual shields in the modern world, many today print their ancestors' armorial symbols onto paper, engrave them into jewelry or tableware, and carve them into wood and stone.

hardcover ISBN 978-1-61599-696-4
paperback ISBN 978-1-61599-695-7
eBook ISBN 978-1-61599-697-1
Published by Modern History Press